Sunday, 24 February 2013

Be More...

The easiest thing in life is to remain the same, and keep on doing the same thing over and over again. The challenge and what makes life interesting is change, leaving your comfort zone and BE MORE...

Reebok Cross-fit Mens Champion 2011 & 2012..
-Rich Froning

"Life begins at the end of you comfort zone." This is a motivational quote I've heard O' so many times, and I wished I had acted on it allot sooner, but still having started to live by such a quote is better to have never started. There is always an excuse not to do something, whether it is in your work or if it is in your training, but if something maters to you, you WILL find a way, if you don't care you will find an excuse.

 Reebok Cross-fit Women's Champion...
- Camille LeBlanck Bazinet
I personally believe that every single person should do some kind of physical training. Whether it's weights training, cardio training or even just yoga. I don't believe this just for physical appearance or being healthy, although that plays a big role, but also for that mental power that comes with it. There is no better high than breaking that personal best or to finish that exercise that kicked your ass your whole life, and of course, when you start seeing that body transformation in the mirror. There is no better way to build self-confidence and self-respect than with this type of discipline, you will start to notice you have more confidence in your work place, with co-workers and clients, you will start to be someone people can look up to.

Don't be hasty and want things to change immediately. If your goal is to drop that beer belly or muffin effect love handles, remember you didn't pack on that weight in one day or in a week, it will take time and dedication, it will get there with the right exercises and nutrition(for expert advice and guaranteed results visit the Men's Health and Women's Health website or buy the magazines). The Men's and Women's health is there for your guidance so you can do things right from the get go. A very important lesson I've learned in all my years of training, on and off and routines and plateau's, is surround yourself with stuff and people that inspire you to BE MORE. A simple thing like the background on your PC or phone could just be the inspiration you need for a killer training session. Remember you are just one great workout away from a great mood. I started to read the Men's Health and they have kept me inspired and wanting to inspire and to be the best man I can be, and this inspiration and knowledge acquired in the Men's Health was just the thing to push me over the edge and take my training and healthy living to the next level.

Greg Plitt - MFT28 Trainer
I'am currently on his training program. It is the most intense training I have done in my life, but that's what you want, not just pushing your boundaries, eliminating them. Getting up after everything is broken down, that's what it's all about.

Find your inspiration and set your goals and do not quit for anything, life will never hand you anything, you have to take it and work your ass off for it, shed off the old you and start today no matter what the time there is always a way. The person you are today is gone, you will never be him or her again... Always strive to...


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